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Fotovoltaico provincia di Ferrara

Iter autorizzativo PAS (Procedura autorizzativa semplificata).

the numbers:




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Through the CATUDI method All plant performance, production and utilization data are monitored and analyzed. This data is translated into an amount of CO2 abatement equivalent to that measured. A certification through blockchain is also issued.


The certificates are listed through a marketplace where the Mezzolara project is supported for CO2 reduction and their economic valuation through the generation of carbon credits, again using the CATUDI method.


The Agrivolatico project in Mezzolara is associated with a high social impact reforestation project created with partner ZERO CO2: The initiative involves the annual planting of 1 new tree for every 50 KW of installed power in deforested areas of Guatemala, thus creating a forest over 30 years of about 10,000 trees.

Gaya Srl - 6 Marco Polo Street, 20124 Milano ITALY |

Progettazione, Consulenza, Realizzazione impianti ad energia solare, zero emissioni, tramite impianti fotovoltaici ad energia solare, rinnovabile. Grazie alla specializzazione nel settore Agrivoltaico, progettiamo impianti in terreni agricoli che non compromettono la normale attività dell'agricoltura. Design, Consulting, Implementation of solar energy, zero emission, through solar photovoltaic systems with solar energy, renewable. Due to our specialization in Agrivoltaics, we design installations in agricultural land that do not compromise the normal activity of agriculture.

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